Modified on Sunday, 16 October 2022 17:49 by blarke@energianalyse.dk — Categorized as: Uncategorized
ENERGIANALYSE.DK is currently not open to commercial operations.
For further information, please contact Morten Blarke, Email: blarke@energianalyse.dk
October 2017: ENERGIANALYSE.DK closes for commercial operations.
April 2017: In service to the South African Department of Energy, we are providing technical assistance to the development of REDIS (the Renewable Energy Data and Information Service), for the first time providing high-resolution data-driven insights about renewable energy developments in South Africa.
June 2016: The Danish Energy Agency has published our background report from 2015 used in designing a new 7,5 M€ demonstration programme for large-scale compression heat pumps in district heating. In Danish: Karakteristik af målgruppe og komparativ analyse af udvalgte decentrale anlægskoncepter med store varmepumper.
February 2016: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark has contracted Morten Boje Blarke as Technical Advisor to the South African Department of Energy.
March, 2015: IWB has contracted with RAMBØLL and us in investigating smart Power-To-Heat and Quartierspeicher options.
January, 2015: The Danish Energy Agency has requested our assistance in designing a new 7,5 M€ demonstration programme for large-scale compression heat pumps in district heating to be implemented in 2015-2016.
August, 2014: The Danish Energy Agency has contracted with RAMBØLL, Planenergi, Grøn Energi, and Teknologisk to author a guide on large-scale heat pumps in district heating. We were sub-contracted and involved in the studies. The resulting guide, case stories, and a simplified spreadsheet tool, is available here (in Danish).
July, 2014: The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) has granted support for our partnership application for "Potentiale, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Systemlösungen für Power-to-Heat" to be implemented from September 2014 to February 2017. The R&D project will be implemented in collaboration with Technische Universität Wien Institut für Energiesysteme und Elektrische Antriebe and Institut für Energietechnik und Thermodynamik, Energie AG Oberösterreich Wärme GmbH, ECOP Technologies GmbH, and aqotec GmbH.
February, 2014: North Denmark EU-Office has granted support for our partnership pre-application process for a new project demonstrating an innovative application of large-scale compression heat pumps.
February, 2014: The Danish Energy Agency has approved our participation on EUDP project 64011-0349 "Efficient integration of wind power in district heating". In this project, we will be responsible for preparing and documenting the energy system impacts of large-scale compression heat pumps in district heating. The project builds and demonstrates a compression heat pump at Ans District Heating Company.
January, 2014: In collaboration with Aalborg University's Department of Energy Technology, we have announced a 4 ECTS Ph.D. course on Engineering Economics and Techno-Economic Optimization Modelling to be held on March 3-6 2014.
Januar, 2014: In collaboration with the Danish District Heating Association and SMARTVARME.DK we have announced two courses (in Danish) on smart and intermittency-friendly distributed energy systems, and the use of electricity in district heating.
Smart Varme – elektriske varmepumper, absorptionsvarmepumper, elkedler samt solvarme, solceller og varmelagre i regi af eget værk (January 27, 2014)
Elanvendelse i fjernvarmen – store eldrevne varmepumper, elkedler og elmarkeder (February 4, 2014)
Januar, 2014: The Danish Energy Agency has decided to support our partnership proposal for a low cost online heat pump. The R&D project begins in February 2014 and runs until the end of 2015. Partners include: Insero Energy, VIA Horsens, KPJ Supply, Dansk Varmepumpe Industri, LIAB.
January, 2000: ENERGIANALYSE.DK is contracted by Danced/Danida for project developments in South East Asia.
January, 2000: ENERGIANALYSE.DK domain and company established.